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November 20, 2023

Trying a different kind of doll.. Not so sure on this one! Will I make another one of these? No I think not!!

Cutie Obsession

November 3, 2023

So I have this cutie obsession going on lately with these little dolls. I just can not stop making them! I am running out of shelf space too! LOL And here are a few knitted ones. These are just not as cute as the crochet ones!

Rag Doll

October 27, 2023

So I decided to try to make a bigger rag doll.  I had no clue what I was doing I just knew my mom liked the tiny one I made it was only the second one I ever made, but she said the tiny one stole her heart. When she found out it was only 7 inches tall I could hear the disappointment in her voice. She said…

Bing Bong

September 19, 2023

……Something New…… Bing Bong The Misfit Bear! My husband thinks he looks like a mouse! LOL Maybe he is right! But really he is a bear! A misfit 4 sure!

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